Halftime in Soccer

How Long is Halftime in Soccer? Rules Explained

Last Updated on: 19th November 2024, 05:50 pm

In soccer, halftime is usually about 15 minutes long, and it is an interval for players and the coaching team to take a break after the first half of 45 minutes. The exact time may depend on the rules of the particular competition or event that is taking place.

Read on to learn all you need about the halftime break in soccer.

Structure of a Soccer Game

First Half

  • Kickoff: The game begins with one team kickoff from the center of the field.
  • Play: Teams compete to score as many goals as possible during the 45-minute half.


  • Duration: Typically lasts 15 minutes.
  • Purpose: Provides players time to rest, strategize, and prepare for the second half.

Second Half

  • Kickoff: The team that did not start the first half takes the kickoff.
  • Play: Another 45 minutes of play to determine the score.

4. Extra Time (if needed)

  • Duration: Two 15-minute halves are played.
  • Purpose: Used during knockout stages when the score is tied at the end of regular time.

Penalty Shootout (if needed)

  • Format: Each team takes turns shooting from the penalty spot.
  • Purpose: Determines the winner if the score remains tied after extra time.

End of the Game

  • Outcome: The team with the most goals wins. The result is a draw if it’s not a knockout match and the scores are tied.
  • Final Whistle: Signals the conclusion of the match.

How Long is Halftime in Soccer?

This indicates a set time of 15 minutes for the break mid-throughout the match so that players can rest and make necessary changes for the second half. 

The length is expected to remain fixed across matches but may be tweaked to an extent depending on the rules of a certain competition.

What Happens At Halftime?

Halftime in soccer is a required 15-minute break that allows players to rest and recover from the physical intensity of the first half. It helps them regain energy, relax their muscles, and prepare for the remainder of the match.

Coaches use halftime to analyze the game and make strategic adjustments. They provide feedback, suggest changes, and motivate players to perform better in the second half. This guidance often plays a crucial role in shifting the game’s momentum.

Players also take this time to hydrate and replenish lost fluids. Staying hydrated ensures they maintain stamina and avoid exhaustion, enabling them to deliver their best performance as the match continues.

Importance of Halftime in Soccer

Physical Recovery

Halftime is the perfect moment for players to rest their tired bodies and regain strength for a strong second-half performance.


Rehydration is key during halftime. Drinking water or energy drinks helps players stay refreshed and ready to tackle the game.


A quick snack can work wonders, giving players the extra energy to stay sharp and effective on the field.

Tactical Adjustments

Halftime is a strategy reset. Coaches analyze what worked and what didn’t and make game-changing decisions for the final stretch.


This is the ultimate pep talk time. Coaches inspire their teams, igniting the passion needed to push for victory.

Is There a “Halftime” During Overtime?

Soccer has a different play format from many other sports; in the overtime period, for example, there is no break for a half time as in the normal period. However, during these extra periods of play, the IFAB (International Football Association Board) permits the teams to have a short drink break if the weather is extremely hot.

In some way, this short interval allows the players to take some water and rest as they rehydrate and cool themselves before developing the overtime play. This is to ensure that the players optimize the time they are maintained off the field during the extended period of the game.

Evolution of Halftime in Soccer

Evolution of Halftime in Soccer

The time for the break in soccer has changed several times in the past. At one time, it selected various regional forms of play in mid-19th-century matches. It would be a case where teams would play the match using their own rules for the first half and those of their opponents in the second half, which was rather impracticable and unwholesome. 

This brought to bear the need to issue and apply standard rules in all the matches. The problem was solved by forming the International Football Association Board (IFAB) to standardize the game’s rules, including those of the contemporary notions of halftime.

Future of Halftime Breaks

Crazy and dynamic halftime breaks are something that can be expected in the future of soccer. Although taking a break in the middle of the game and strategies is conventional, the ‘halftime’ performance is gradually becoming a norm. 

Today, even events such as the World Cup and Champions League have other performances during halftime. It is developing this way, and in the future, more interesting and entertaining activities will occur during halftime, and this break will become a fun part of the soccer match for both teams.


How many minutes is a half in FIFA?

Halftime in FIFA matches lasts 15 minutes. During this break, players rest, hydrate, and receive coaching. Coaches adjust tactics based on the first half. Players prepare for the second half, focusing on performance.

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